Programmer’s Guide


To initialize the ENTROPY_SRC block, see the Device Interface Functions (DIFs) section.

Entropy Processing

Once entropy has been prepared for delivery, it can be consumed by either hardware (CSRNG block hardware instance) or by a software interface (CSRNG software instance).

Note that when software makes frequent re-seed requests to CSRNG, any stored up entropy seeds in the final entropy FIFO will quickly consumed. Once the FIFO is empty, subsequent entropy seed requests will have to wait the worst case latency time while new entropy is being created.

Entropy Source Module Disable

A useful feature for the ENTROPY_SRC block is the ability to disable it in a graceful matter. Since there exists another feature to avoid power spikes between ENTROPY_SRC and CSRNG, software needs to monitor the disabling process. Bit 16 in the DEBUG_STATUS should be polled after the ENTROPY_SRC enable bits are cleared in the CONF register. After the handshakes with CSRNG are finished, the above bit should be set and the ENTROPY_SRC block can be safely enabled again.

ENTROPY_SRC may only be disabled if CSRNG is disabled.

Disabling Entropy Source does not clear the bits in RECOV_ALERT_STS (see Handling a Recoverable Alert).

Firmware Override / Bypass Modes

The ENTROPY_SRC block supports different ways in which firmware can observe or extract and insert entropy into the entropy flow, e.g., for validation testing or to perform additional firmware-based health tests and conditioning.

This section discusses how to enable the different modes. For more details on the individual modes, refer to Theory of Operations.

Firmware Override - Observe

Using the firmware override function, firmware can observe post-health test entropy bits (including entropy bits used for startup health testing) by reading from the FW_OV_RD_DATA register (observe FIFO), e.g., for validation testing. To this end, the otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over input needs to be set to kMultiBitBool8True. In addition, firmware has to set the FW_OV_MODE field in the FW_OV_CONTROL register to kMultiBitBool4True.

Note that the post-health test entropy bits collected in the observe FIFO continue to flow through the hardware pipeline and may eventually reach the block hardware interface.

Firmware Override - Extract & Insert

Using the firmware override function, firmware can extract entropy bits by reading from the FW_OV_RD_DATA register (observe FIFO), e.g., for performing additional health tests and/or firmware-based conditioning, and then insert entropy bits back into the entropy flow by writing the FW_OV_WR_DATA register. To this end, the otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over input needs to be set to kMultiBitBool8True. In addition, firmware has to:

  1. Set the FW_OV_MODE field in the FW_OV_CONTROL register to kMultiBitBool4True.
  2. Set the FW_OV_ENTROPY_INSERT field in the FW_OV_CONTROL register to kMultiBitBool4True.

If firmware wants to use hardware conditioning for the inserted entropy bits, it also has to:

  1. Set the FIPS_ENABLE field in the CONF register to kMultiBitBool4True.
  2. Set ES_TYPE or ES_ROUTE (or both) in ENTROPY_CONTROL to kMultiBitBool4False.

It further has to set the FW_OV_INSERT_START field in the FW_OV_SHA3_START register to kMultiBitBool4True. Once all entropy bits have been written to the FW_OV_WR_DATA register, firmware can set FW_OV_INSERT_START to kMultiBitBool4False to trigger the hardware conditioning mechanism.

Note that if the FW_OV_ENTROPY_INSERT field is set to kMultiBitBool4True, post-health test entropy bits do NOT continue to flow through the hardware pipeline. The observe FIFO will collect 1 kBit of contiguous entropy bits. Any entropy bits arriving after the observe FIFO is full are being discarded. Firmware has to read out the entire observe FIFO to restart entropy collection. Only entropy bits inserted by firmware by writing the FW_OV_WR_DATA register may eventually reach the block hardware interface.

Also, the hardware startup health testing is skipped and firmware becomes responsible for performing any startup health testing.

If firmware does not want to use hardware conditioning for the inserted entropy bits, it has to do one of the two following points:

  1. Set the FIPS_ENABLE field in the CONF register to kMultiBitBool4False. In this case, the entropy is routed to the hardware endpoints.
  2. Set ES_TYPE and ES_ROUTE in ENTROPY_CONTROL to kMultiBitBool4True. In this case, the unconditioned entropy is not routed to the hardware endpoints but instead to the ENTROPY_DATA register.

Hardware Conditioning Bypass

Firmware can enable bypassing of the hardware conditioning inside the ENTROPY_SRC block. To this end, firmware has to either:

  • set the ES_TYPE and ES_ROUTE fields in ENTROPY_CONTROL to kMultiBitBool4True (this causes the ENTROPY_SRC block to not pass any entropy to the block hardware interface), or
  • set the FIPS_ENABLE field in the CONF register to kMultiBitBool4False to disable FIPS mode and enable the bypass or boot-time mode.

Note that in bypass or boot-time mode, health test window sizes other than 384 bits (the seed length) are currently not tested nor supported.

Reading Entropy Output

Firmware can read the entropy output of the ENTROPY_SRC block from the ENTROPY_DATA register. To this end, the otp_en_entropy_src_fw_read input needs to be set to kMultiBitBool8True. In addition, firmware has to:

  1. Set the ENTROPY_DATA_REG_ENABLE field in the CONF register to kMultiBitBool4True.
  2. Set the ES_ROUTE field in the ENTROPY_CONTROL register to kMultiBitBool4True.

Note that once the field ES_ROUTE is set to kMultiBitBool4True, no entropy is being passed to the block hardware interface. This mode is compatible with Hardware Conditioning Bypass (enabled by setting the ES_TYPE field in ENTROPY_CONTROL to kMultiBitBool4True).

Single RNG Bit Mode

The PTRNG entropy source delivers a stream of symbols to ENTROPY_SRC. Each of these symbols contains multiple bits. Firmware can determine whether ENTROPY_SRC should utilize all or only one of the bits that make up a symbol. Per default, the RNG_BIT_ENABLE field in the CONF register is set to kMultiBitBool4False and the whole symbol is used. To enable the single RNG bit mode RNG_BIT_ENABLE has to be set to kMultiBitBool4True. To select which specific bit should be used, the RNG_BIT_SEL field in the CONF register must be set to the number of the desired lane.

When ENTROPY_SRC is configured in RNG bit mode, only a subset of the health tests are applicable and the health test thresholds need to be set to account for this. For this reason, the thresholds for both the bypass and the FIPS values must be set accordingly. The repetition count test, Markov test and adaptive proportion test can all still be performed on a single lane. However, to get the same number of entropy bits, we now must collect four times as many individual symbols from the PTRNG. This should be considered when choosing the health test thresholds, whereas the health test window size is adjusted internally. In contrast, the symbol repetition count test and the bucket test are not applicable to a single lane. They need to be disabled by setting the corresponding thresholds to the maximum value. The THRESHOLD_SCOPE field in the CONF register is also not applicable to the single lane mode and must be set to kMultiBitBool4False.

Handling a Recoverable Alert

Reasons for a recoverable alert are tracked in the RECOV_ALERT_STS register. Each bit gets set based on the condition in its description. To handle a recoverable alert, go through the bits that are set and resolve the underlying problems, then write zero to each bit to clear it. Disabling Entropy Source does not clear the bits in RECOV_ALERT_STS.

Error conditions

Need to alert the system of a FIFO overflow condition.

Device Interface Functions (DIFs)