To use this DIF, include the following C header:
#include "/home/runner/work/opentitan/opentitan/sw/device/lib/dif/dif_rstmgr.h"
This header provides the following device interface functions:
Reads the entire alert info crash dump.dif_rstmgr_alert_info_get_enabled
Retrieves the alert info crash dump capture state.dif_rstmgr_alert_info_get_size
Get alert info dump size.dif_rstmgr_alert_info_set_enabled
Enables or disables the alert crash dump capture.dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_dump_read
Reads the entire CPU info crash dump.dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_get_enabled
Retrieves the CPU info crash dump capture state.dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_get_size
Get cpu info dump size.dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_set_enabled
Enables or disables the CPU crash dump capture.dif_rstmgr_fatal_err_code_get_codes
Read the fatal error codes.dif_rstmgr_get_sw_reset_index
Get the software reset index corresponding to a given DT rstmgr reset.dif_rstmgr_reset
Resets the Reset Manager registers to sane defaults.dif_rstmgr_reset_info_clear
Clears the reset information in Reset Manager.dif_rstmgr_reset_info_get
Obtains the complete Reset Manager reset information.dif_rstmgr_reset_is_locked
Checks whether requested peripheral reset functionality is locked.dif_rstmgr_reset_lock
Locks out requested peripheral reset functionality.dif_rstmgr_software_device_reset
Software request for system reset.dif_rstmgr_software_reset
Asserts or de-asserts software reset for the requested peripheral.dif_rstmgr_software_reset_is_held
Queries whether the requested peripheral is held in reset.
Generated from dif_rstmgr.h
// Copyright lowRISC contributors (OpenTitan project).
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief <a href="/book/hw/top_earlgrey/ip_autogen/rstmgr/">Reset Manager</a>
* Device Interface Functions
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "dt/dt_rstmgr.h" // Generated.
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_base.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/autogen/dif_rstmgr_autogen.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* The maximal size of the alert crash info dump.
* Note: must match the autogenerated register definition.
* The maximal size of the CPU crash info dump.
* Note: must match the autogenerated register definition.
* Reset Manager peripheral software reset control.
typedef enum dif_rstmgr_software_reset {
* Simple reset (release straight away).
kDifRstmgrSoftwareReset = 0,
kDifRstmgrSoftwareResetHold, /**< Hold peripheral in reset. */
kDifRstmgrSoftwareResetRelease, /**< Release peripheral from reset. */
} dif_rstmgr_software_reset_t;
* Reset Manager reset information bitfield.
typedef uint32_t dif_rstmgr_reset_info_bitfield_t;
* Reset Manager possible reset information enumeration.
* Invariants are used to extract information encoded in
* `dif_rstmgr_reset_info_bitfield_t`, which means that the values must
* correspond
* to the individual bits (0x1, 0x2, 0x4, ..., 0x80000000).
* Note: these must match the autogenerated register definitions.
typedef enum dif_rstmgr_reset_info {
* Device has reset due to power up.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoPor = 0x1,
* Device has reset due to low power exit.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoLowPowerExit = (0x1 << 1),
* Device has reset due to software request.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoSw = (0x1 << 2),
* Device has reset due to a peripheral request. This can be an alert
* escalation, watchdog or anything else.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoHwReq = (0x1f << 3),
* Device has reset due to the peripheral system reset control request.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoSysRstCtrl = (1 << 3),
* Device has reset due to watchdog bite.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoWatchdog = (1 << 4),
* Device has reset due to watchdog bite.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoWatchdog = (1 << 3),
* Device has reset due to an external reset request via soc_proxy.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoExternalRst = (1 << 4),
#error "dif_rstmgr does not support this top"
* Device has reset due to power unstable.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoPowerUnstable = (1 << 5),
* Device has reset due to alert escalation.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoEscalation = (1 << 6),
* Device has reset due to non-debug-module request.
kDifRstmgrResetInfoNdm = (1 << 7),
} dif_rstmgr_reset_info_t;
* Reset Manager software reset available peripherals.
typedef uint32_t dif_rstmgr_peripheral_t;
typedef enum dif_rstmgr_fatal_err_type {
* A fatal error for regfile integrity.
kDifRstmgrFatalErrTypeRegfileIntegrity = 1u << 0,
* A fatal error for reset consistency.
kDifRstmgrFatalErrTypeResetConsistency = 1u << 1,
} dif_rstmgr_fatal_err_type_t;
* A set of fatal errors.
* This type is used to read the fatal error codes.
typedef uint32_t dif_rstmgr_fatal_err_codes_t;
* Resets the Reset Manager registers to sane defaults.
* Note that software reset enable registers cannot be cleared once have been
* locked.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_reset(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle);
* Locks out requested peripheral reset functionality.
* Calling this function when software reset is locked will have no effect
* and return `kDifOk`.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param peripheral Peripheral to lock the reset functionality for.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_reset_lock(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_rstmgr_peripheral_t peripheral);
* Checks whether requested peripheral reset functionality is locked.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param peripheral Peripheral to check the reset lock for.
* @param is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_reset_is_locked(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_rstmgr_peripheral_t peripheral,
bool *is_locked);
* Obtains the complete Reset Manager reset information.
* The reset info are parsed and presented to the caller as an
* array of flags in 'info'.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param info Reset information.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_reset_info_get(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_rstmgr_reset_info_bitfield_t *info);
* Clears the reset information in Reset Manager.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @return `dif_result_t`.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_reset_info_clear(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle);
* Enables or disables the alert crash dump capture.
* When enabled, will capture the alert crash dump prior to a triggered reset.
* The alert info crash dump capture is automatically disabled upon system reset
* (even if the Reset Manager is not reset).
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param state The new toggle state for the crash dump capture.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_alert_info_set_enabled(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_toggle_t state);
* Retrieves the alert info crash dump capture state.
* The alert info crash dump capture is automatically disabled upon system reset
* (even if the Reset Manager is not reset).
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param[out] state The state of the crash dump capture.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_alert_info_get_enabled(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_toggle_t *state);
* Get alert info dump size.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param[out] size The size of the alert info dump in 32 bit words.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_alert_info_get_size(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
size_t *size);
* Alert info crash dump segment.
* The alert info crash dump consists of 32-bit data segments
typedef uint32_t dif_rstmgr_alert_info_dump_segment_t;
* Reads the entire alert info crash dump.
* The crash dump is always retained after any kind of reset, except on
* Power-On-Reset (POR).
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param dump Address of buffer where the alert dump will be written.
* @param dump_size Size of the alert dump buffer. The entire crash dump will be
* read, and the actual size can be determined through the
* `segments_read` parameter. It is an error if dump_size is
* not large enough.
* @param[out] segments_read Number of segments read.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_alert_info_dump_read(
const dif_rstmgr_t *handle, dif_rstmgr_alert_info_dump_segment_t *dump,
size_t dump_size, size_t *segments_read);
* Enables or disables the CPU crash dump capture.
* When enabled, will capture the CPU crash dump prior to a triggered reset.
* The CPU info crash dump capture is automatically disabled upon system reset
* (even if the Reset Manager is not reset).
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param state The new toggle state for the CPU crash dump capture.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_set_enabled(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_toggle_t state);
* Retrieves the CPU info crash dump capture state.
* The CPU info crash dump capture is automatically disabled upon system reset
* (even if the Reset Manager is not reset).
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param[out] state The state of the crash dump capture.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_get_enabled(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_toggle_t *state);
* Get cpu info dump size.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param[out] size The size of the cpu info dump in 32 bit words.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_get_size(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
size_t *size);
* CPU info crash dump segment.
* The CPU info crash dump consists of 32-bit data segments
typedef uint32_t dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_dump_segment_t;
* Reads the entire CPU info crash dump.
* The crash dump is always retained after any kind of reset, except on
* Power-On-Reset (POR).
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param dump Address of buffer where the crash dump will be written.
* @param dump_size Size of the crash dump buffer. The entire crash dump will
* be read, and the actual size can be determined through the
* `segments_read` parameter. It is an error if dump_size is
* not large enough.
* @param[out] segments_read Number of segments read.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_dump_read(
const dif_rstmgr_t *handle, dif_rstmgr_cpu_info_dump_segment_t *dump,
size_t dump_size, size_t *segments_read);
* Asserts or de-asserts software reset for the requested peripheral.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param peripheral Peripheral to assert/de-assert reset for.
* @param reset Reset control.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_software_reset(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle,
dif_rstmgr_peripheral_t peripheral,
dif_rstmgr_software_reset_t reset);
* Queries whether the requested peripheral is held in reset.
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @param peripheral Peripheral to query.
* @param asserted 'true' when held in reset, `false` otherwise.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_software_reset_is_held(
const dif_rstmgr_t *handle, dif_rstmgr_peripheral_t peripheral,
bool *asserted);
* Software request for system reset
* @param handle A Reset Manager handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_software_device_reset(const dif_rstmgr_t *handle);
* Get the software reset index corresponding to a given DT rstmgr reset.
* Retrieved via a short linear search, due to the small number of sw resets.
* @param dt The rstmgr DT instance index
* @param reset The rstmgr DT reset index.
* @param[out] sw_rst_idx The corresponding software reset index.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_get_sw_reset_index(dt_rstmgr_t dt, dt_reset_t reset,
size_t *sw_rst_idx);
* Read the fatal error codes.
* @param rstmgr Reset Manager Handle.
* @param[out] codes The fatal error codes.
* @returns The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_rstmgr_fatal_err_code_get_codes(
const dif_rstmgr_t *rstmgr, dif_rstmgr_fatal_err_codes_t *codes);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus