Referring to the Comportable guideline for peripheral device functionality, the module sensor_ctrl
has the following hardware interfaces defined
- Primary Clock:
- Other Clocks:
- Bus Device Interfaces (TL-UL):
- Bus Host Interfaces (TL-UL): none
- Security Countermeasures: none
Pin name | Direction | Description |
ast_debug_out[8:0] | output | ast debug outputs to pinmux |
Port Name | Package::Struct | Type | Act | Width | Description |
ast_alert | ast_pkg::ast_alert | req_rsp | rsp | 1 | |
ast_status | ast_pkg::ast_status | uni | rcv | 1 | |
ast_init_done | prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4 | uni | rcv | 1 | |
ast2pinmux | logic | uni | rcv | 9 | |
wkup_req | logic | uni | req | 1 | |
manual_pad_attr | prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr | uni | req | 4 | |
tl | tlul_pkg::tl | req_rsp | rsp | 1 | |
Interrupt Name | Type | Description |
io_status_change | Event | io power status has changed |
init_status_change | Event | ast init status has changed |
Alert Name | Description |
recov_alert | recoverable sensor_ctrl alerts |
fatal_alert | fatal sensor_ctrl alerts |