Hardware Interfaces
Referring to the Comportable guideline for peripheral device functionality, the module rv_core_ibex
has the following hardware interfaces defined
- Primary Clock:
- Other Clocks:
- Bus Device Interfaces (TL-UL):
- Bus Host Interfaces (TL-UL):
- Peripheral Pins for Chip IO: none
- Interrupts: none
Inter-Module Signals
Port Name | Package::Struct | Type | Act | Width | Description |
rst_cpu_n | logic | uni | req | 1 | |
ram_cfg_icache_tag | prim_ram_1p_pkg::ram_1p_cfg | uni | rcv | 1 | |
ram_cfg_rsp_icache_tag | prim_ram_1p_pkg::ram_1p_cfg_rsp | uni | req | ICacheNWays | |
ram_cfg_icache_data | prim_ram_1p_pkg::ram_1p_cfg | uni | rcv | 1 | |
ram_cfg_rsp_icache_data | prim_ram_1p_pkg::ram_1p_cfg_rsp | uni | req | ICacheNWays | |
hart_id | logic | uni | rcv | 32 | |
boot_addr | logic | uni | rcv | 32 | |
irq_software | logic | uni | rcv | 1 | |
irq_timer | logic | uni | rcv | 1 | |
irq_external | logic | uni | rcv | 1 | |
esc_tx | prim_esc_pkg::esc_tx | uni | rcv | 1 | |
esc_rx | prim_esc_pkg::esc_rx | uni | req | 1 | |
debug_req | logic | uni | rcv | 1 | |
crash_dump | rv_core_ibex_pkg::cpu_crash_dump | uni | req | 1 | |
lc_cpu_en | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx | uni | rcv | 1 | |
pwrmgr_cpu_en | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx | uni | rcv | 1 | |
pwrmgr | rv_core_ibex_pkg::cpu_pwrmgr | uni | req | 1 | |
nmi_wdog | logic | uni | rcv | 1 | |
edn | edn_pkg::edn | req_rsp | req | 1 | |
icache_otp_key | otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_otp_key | req_rsp | req | 1 | |
fpga_info | logic | uni | rcv | 32 | |
corei_tl_h | tlul_pkg::tl | req_rsp | req | 1 | |
cored_tl_h | tlul_pkg::tl | req_rsp | req | 1 | |
cfg_tl_d | tlul_pkg::tl | req_rsp | rsp | 1 |
Security Alerts
Alert Name | Description |
fatal_sw_err | Software triggered alert for fatal faults |
recov_sw_err | Software triggered Alert for recoverable faults |
fatal_hw_err | Triggered when - Ibex raises alert_major_internal_o - Ibex raises alert_major_bus_o - A double fault is seen (Ibex raises double_fault_seen_o ) - A bus integrity error is seen |
recov_hw_err | Triggered when Ibex raises alert_minor_o |
Security Countermeasures
Countermeasure ID | Description |
RV_CORE_IBEX.BUS.INTEGRITY | End-to-end bus integrity scheme. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.SCRAMBLE.KEY.SIDELOAD | The scrambling key for the icache is sideloaded from OTP and thus unreadable by SW. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.CORE.DATA_REG_SW.SCA | Data independent timing. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.PC.CTRL_FLOW.CONSISTENCY | Correct PC increment check. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.CTRL_FLOW.UNPREDICTABLE | Randomized dummy instruction insertion. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.DATA_REG_SW.INTEGRITY | Register file integrity checking. Note that whilst the core itself is duplicated (see LOGIC.SHADOW) the register file is not. Protection is provided by an ECC. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.DATA_REG_SW.GLITCH_DETECT | This countermeasure augments DATA_REG_SW.INTEGRITY and checks for spurious write-enable signals on the register file by monitoring the one-hot0 property of the individual write-enable strobes. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.LOGIC.SHADOW | Shadow core run in lockstep to crosscheck CPU behaviour. This provides broad protection for all assets with the Ibex core. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.FETCH.CTRL.LC_GATED | Fetch enable so core execution can be halted. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.EXCEPTION.CTRL_FLOW.LOCAL_ESC | A mechanism to detect and act on double faults. Local escalation shuts down the core when a double fault is seen. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.EXCEPTION.CTRL_FLOW.GLOBAL_ESC | A mechanism to detect and act on double faults. Global escalation sends a fatal alert when a double fault is seen. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.ICACHE.MEM.SCRAMBLE | ICache memory scrambling. |
RV_CORE_IBEX.ICACHE.MEM.INTEGRITY | ICache memory integrity checking. |
All ports and parameters of Ibex are exposed through this wrapper module, except for the instruction and data memory interfaces (signals starting with instr_
and data_
Refer to the Ibex documentation for a detailed description of these signals and parameters.
The instruction and data memory ports are exposed as TL-UL ports. The table below lists other signals and the TL-UL ports.
Signal | Direction | Type | Description |
rst_cpu_n_o | output | logic | Outgoing indication to reset manager that the process has reset. |
ram_cfg_i | input | prim_ram_1p_pkg::ram_1p_cfg_t | Incoming memory configuration that is technology dependent. |
hart_id_i | input | logic [31:0] | Static Hard ID input signal. |
boot_addr_i | input | logic [31:0] | Static boot address input signal. |
fpga_info_i | input | logic [31:0] | Fpga info input signal, coming from a Xilinx USR_ACCESSE2 primitive for example. |
irq_software_i | input | logic | Software interrupt input. |
irq_timer_i | input | logic | Timer interrupt input. |
irq_external_i | input | logic | External interrupt input. |
debug_req_i | input | logic | Debug request from the debug module. |
corei_tl_h_o | output | tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t | Outgoing instruction tlul request. |
corei_tl_h_i | input | tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t | Incoming instruction tlul response. |
cored_tl_h_o | output | tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t | Outgoing data tlul request. |
cored_tl_h_i | input | tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t | Incoming data tlul response. |
cfg_tl_d_i | output | tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t | Outgoing data tlul request for peripheral registers. |
cfg_tl_d_o | input | tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t | Incoming data tlul response for peripheral registers. |
alert_rx_i | input | prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t | Incoming alert response / ping. |
alert_tx_o | output | prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t | Outgoing alert request. |
esc_tx_i | input | prim_esc_pkg::esc_tx_t | Incoming escalation request / ping. |
esc_rx_o | output | prim_esc_pkg::esc_rx_t | Outgoing escalation response. |
nmi_wdog_i | input | logic | Incoming watchdog NMI bark. |
crash_dump_o | output | ibex_pkg::crash_dump_t | Outgoing crash dump information to rstmgr. |
cfg_tl_d_i | input | tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t | Incoming configuration bus request. |
cfg_tl_d_o | output | tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t | Outgoing configuration bus response. |
lc_cpu_en_i | input | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t | CPU enable signal from life cycle controller. |
pwrmgr_cpu_en_i | input | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t | CPU enable signal from power manager. |
pwrmgr_o | output | pwrmgr_pkg::cpu_pwrmgr_t | Low-power CPU status to power manager. |
edn_i | input | edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t | Incoming entropy response from entropy distribution network. |
edn_o | output | edn_pkg::edn_req_t | Outgoing entropy request to entropy distribution network. |
icache_otp_key_i | input | otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_otp_key_rsp_t | Incoming scrambling key response from OTP to icache. |
icache_otp_key_o | output | otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_otp_key_req_t | Outgoing scrambling key request from icache to OTP. |
The PipeLine
parameter can be used to configure the bus adapter pipelining.
- Setting
disables pipelining, which gives minimal latency between the bus and the core, at the cost of a combinatorial path into the core. - Setting
introduces a pipelining FIFO between the core instruction/data interfaces and the bus. This setting increases the memory access latency, but improves timing.