
Module hyperdebug





  • Index of a single USB “interface”, with its associated IN and OUT endpoints. Used to instantiate e.g. SPI trait.
  • Holds cached IO communication instances(gpio, spi, i2c, uart) that the Hyperdebug struct generates. This way requests for the Hyperdebug Transport struct to create a previously generated instance will return the cached one instead of generating a completely new one.
  • A ChipWhispererFlavor is a Hyperdebug attached to a Chip Whisperer board. Furthermore, both the Hyperdebug and Chip Whisperer board USB interfaces are attached to the host. Hyperdebug is used for all IO with the Chip Whisperer board except for bitstream programming.
  • Implementation of the Transport trait for HyperDebug based on the Nucleo-L552ZE-Q.
  • Internal state of the Hyperdebug struct, this struct is reference counted such that Gpio, Spi and Uart sub-structs can all refer to this shared data, which is guaranteed to live on, even if the caller lets the outer Hyperdebug struct run out of scope.
  • A StandardFlavor is a plain Hyperdebug board.



  • Trait allowing slightly different treatment of USB devices that work almost like a HyperDebug. E.g. C2D2 and Servo micro.