
Module gpio




  • Represents one entry in the specification of a bitbanging waveform. Pins must have been configured as either PushPull, OpenDrain or Input prior to requesting a bitbang operation.
  • Errors related to the GPIO interface.
  • Mode of I/O pins.
  • Mode of weak pull (relevant in Input and OpenDrain modes).


  • Object representing an ongoing operation of generating a prescribed waveform on a number of pins. Must be frequently polled via the query() function, in order to guerantee completion of the operation.
  • A trait implemented by transports which support synchronous bit-banging on GPIO pins, similar to FTDI devices. This trait allows generation of arbitrary waveforms on a set of pins, and optionally getting back samples from same or other pins, taken at precise times.
  • A trait implemented by transports which support advanced edge-detection on GPIO pins. This trait allows monitoring a set of pins, and getting a stream of “events” (rising and falling edges with timestamps) for any change among the set.
  • A trait which represents a single GPIO pin.