Software APIs
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
ecc.h File Reference


Elliptic curve operations for OpenTitan cryptography library. More...

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Data Structures

struct  otcrypto_ecc_domain
 Struct for domain parameters of a custom Weierstrass curve. More...
struct  otcrypto_ecc_curve
 Struct for ECC curve used for ECDSA / ECDH operation. More...


typedef enum otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t
 Enum to define EdDSA mode for signature. More...
typedef struct otcrypto_ecc_domain otcrypto_ecc_domain_t
 Struct for domain parameters of a custom Weierstrass curve.
typedef enum otcrypto_ecc_curve_type otcrypto_ecc_curve_type_t
 Enum to define the type of elliptic curve used for the operation. More...
typedef struct otcrypto_ecc_curve otcrypto_ecc_curve_t
 Struct for ECC curve used for ECDSA / ECDH operation. More...


enum  otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode {
  kOtcryptoEddsaSignModeEddsa = 0xae1 ,
  kOtcryptoEddsaSignModeHashEddsa = 0x9a6
 Enum to define EdDSA mode for signature. More...
enum  otcrypto_ecc_curve_type {
  kOtcryptoEccCurveTypeCustom = 0xbf7 ,
  kOtcryptoEccCurveTypeNistP256 = 0xec8 ,
  kOtcryptoEccCurveTypeNistP384 = 0x1bc ,
  kEccCurveTypeBrainpoolP256R1 = 0xc1e
 Enum to define the type of elliptic curve used for the operation. More...


OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Generates a key pair for ECDSA with curve P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Generates a key pair for ECDSA with curve P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest, otcrypto_word32_buf_t signature)
 Generates an ECDSA signature with curve P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest, otcrypto_word32_buf_t signature)
 Generates an ECDSA signature with curve P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify (const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest, otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature, hardened_bool_t *verification_result)
 Verifies an ECDSA/P-256 signature. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify (const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest, otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature, hardened_bool_t *verification_result)
 Verifies an ECDSA/P-384 signature. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Generates a key pair for ECDH with curve P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Generates a key pair for ECDH with curve P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, const otcrypto_ecc_curve_t *elliptic_curve, otcrypto_blinded_key_t *shared_secret)
 Performs Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret generation. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_keygen (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Generates a new Ed25519 key pair. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_sign (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t input_message, otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t sign_mode, otcrypto_word32_buf_t signature)
 Generates an Ed25519 digital signature. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_verify (const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t input_message, otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t sign_mode, otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature, hardened_bool_t *verification_result)
 Verifies an Ed25519 signature. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_keygen (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Generates a new key pair for X25519 key exchange. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519 (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, otcrypto_blinded_key_t *shared_secret)
 Performs the X25519 Diffie Hellman shared secret generation. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key)
 Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen_async_finalize (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key)
 Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen_async_finalize (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest)
 Starts asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign_async_finalize (otcrypto_word32_buf_t signature)
 Finalizes asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest)
 Starts asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign_async_finalize (otcrypto_word32_buf_t signature)
 Finalizes asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify_async_start (const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest, otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature)
 Starts asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify_async_finalize (otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature, hardened_bool_t *verification_result)
 Finalizes asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify_async_start (const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, const otcrypto_hash_digest_t message_digest, otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature)
 Starts asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify_async_finalize (otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature, hardened_bool_t *verification_result)
 Finalizes asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key)
 Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen_async_finalize (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-256. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key)
 Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen_async_finalize (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-384. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, const otcrypto_ecc_curve_t *elliptic_curve)
 Starts the asynchronous Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret generation. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_async_finalize (const otcrypto_ecc_curve_t *elliptic_curve, otcrypto_blinded_key_t *shared_secret)
 Finalizes the asynchronous Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret generation. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_keygen_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key)
 Starts the asynchronous key generation for Ed25519. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_keygen_async_finalize (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Finalizes the asynchronous key generation for Ed25519. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_sign_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t input_message, otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t sign_mode, otcrypto_word32_buf_t signature)
 Starts the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature generation. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_sign_async_finalize (otcrypto_word32_buf_t signature)
 Finalizes the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature generation. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_verify_async_start (const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key, otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t input_message, otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t sign_mode, otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t signature)
 Starts the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature verification. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_verify_async_finalize (hardened_bool_t *verification_result)
 Finalizes the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature verification. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_keygen_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key)
 Starts the asynchronous key generation for X25519. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_keygen_async_finalize (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Finalizes the asynchronous key generation for X25519. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_async_start (const otcrypto_blinded_key_t *private_key, const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t *public_key)
 Starts the asynchronous X25519 Diffie Hellman shared secret generation. More...
OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_async_finalize (otcrypto_blinded_key_t *shared_secret)
 Finalizes the asynchronous X25519 Diffie Hellman shared secret generation. More...

Detailed Description

Elliptic curve operations for OpenTitan cryptography library.

Includes ECDSA, ECDH, Ed25519, and X25519.

Definition in file ecc.h.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ otcrypto_ecc_domain

struct otcrypto_ecc_domain

Struct for domain parameters of a custom Weierstrass curve.

Definition at line 36 of file ecc.h.

Data Fields
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t a
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t b
uint32_t checksum
const uint32_t cofactor
const uint32_t * gx
const uint32_t * gy
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t p
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t q

◆ otcrypto_ecc_curve

struct otcrypto_ecc_curve

Struct for ECC curve used for ECDSA / ECDH operation.

Values are hardened.

Definition at line 76 of file ecc.h.

Data Fields
otcrypto_ecc_curve_type_t curve_type
const otcrypto_ecc_domain_t *const domain_parameter

Typedef Documentation

◆ otcrypto_ecc_curve_t

Struct for ECC curve used for ECDSA / ECDH operation.

Values are hardened.

◆ otcrypto_ecc_curve_type_t

Enum to define the type of elliptic curve used for the operation.

Values are hardened.

◆ otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t

Enum to define EdDSA mode for signature.

Values are hardened.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ otcrypto_ecc_curve_type

Enum to define the type of elliptic curve used for the operation.

Values are hardened.

Definition at line 60 of file ecc.h.

◆ otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode

Enum to define EdDSA mode for signature.

Values are hardened.

Definition at line 26 of file ecc.h.

Function Documentation

◆ otcrypto_ecdh()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
const otcrypto_ecc_curve_t elliptic_curve,
otcrypto_blinded_key_t shared_secret 

Performs Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret generation.

The domain_parameter field of the elliptic_curve is required only for a custom curve. For named curves this field is ignored and can be set to NULL.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
elliptic_curvePointer to the elliptic curve to be used.
[out]shared_secretPointer to generated blinded shared key struct.
Result of ECDH shared secret generation.

Definition at line 82 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_async_finalize ( const otcrypto_ecc_curve_t elliptic_curve,
otcrypto_blinded_key_t shared_secret 

Finalizes the asynchronous Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret generation.

Returns kOtcryptoStatusValueOk and copies shared_secret if the OTBN status is done, or kOtcryptoStatusValueAsyncIncomplete if the OTBN is busy or kOtcryptoStatusValueInternalError if there is an error.

The caller must ensure that the elliptic_curve parameter matches the one that was previously passed to the corresponding _start function; a mismatch will cause inconsistencies.

elliptic_curvePointer to the elliptic curve that is being used.
[out]shared_secretPointer to generated blinded shared key struct.
Result of async ECDH finalize operation.

Definition at line 1057 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
const otcrypto_ecc_curve_t elliptic_curve 

Starts the asynchronous Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret generation.

The domain_parameter field of the elliptic_curve is required only for a custom curve. For named curves this field is ignored and can be set to NULL.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
elliptic_curvePointer to the elliptic curve to be used.
Result of async ECDH start operation.

Definition at line 902 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Generates a key pair for ECDH with curve P-256.

The caller should allocate and partially populate the blinded key struct, including populating the key configuration and allocating space for the keyblob. For a hardware-backed key, use the private key handle returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key. Otherwise, the mode should indicate ECDH with P-256 and the keyblob should be 80 bytes. The value in the checksum field of the blinded key struct will be populated by the key generation function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of the ECDH key generation.

Definition at line 70 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen_async_finalize ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

The caller should ensure that the private key configuration matches that passed to the _start function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of asynchronous ECDH keygen finalize operation.

Definition at line 810 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key)

Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdh_p256_keygen for requirements on input values.

private_keyDestination structure for private key, or key handle.
Result of asynchronous ECDH keygen start operation.

Definition at line 784 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Generates a key pair for ECDH with curve P-384.

The caller should allocate and partially populate the blinded key struct, including populating the key configuration and allocating space for the keyblob. For a hardware-backed key, use the private key handle returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key. Otherwise, the mode should indicate ECDH with P-384 and the keyblob should be 112 bytes. The value in the checksum field of the blinded key struct will be populated by the key generation function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of the ECDH key generation.

Definition at line 76 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen_async_finalize ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

The caller should ensure that the private key configuration matches that passed to the _start function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of asynchronous ECDH keygen finalize operation.

Definition at line 827 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key)

Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDH/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdh_p384_keygen for requirements on input values.

private_keyDestination structure for private key, or key handle.
Result of asynchronous ECDH keygen start operation.

Definition at line 797 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Generates a key pair for ECDSA with curve P-256.

The caller should allocate and partially populate the blinded key struct, including populating the key configuration and allocating space for the keyblob. For a hardware-backed key, use the private key handle returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key. Otherwise, the mode should indicate ECDSA with P-256 and the keyblob should be 80 bytes. The value in the checksum field of the blinded key struct will be populated by the key generation function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of the ECDSA key generation.

Definition at line 18 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen_async_finalize ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

The caller should ensure that the private key configuration matches that passed to the _start function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of asynchronous ECDSA keygen finalize operation.

Definition at line 465 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key)

Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_keygen for requirements on input values.

private_keyDestination structure for private key, or key handle.
Result of asynchronous ECDSA keygen start operation.

Definition at line 171 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest,
otcrypto_word32_buf_t  signature 

Generates an ECDSA signature with curve P-256.

The message digest must be exactly 256 bits (32 bytes) long, but may use any hash mode. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the security strength of the hash function is at least equal to the security strength of the curve, but in some cases it may be truncated. See FIPS 186-5 for details.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be signed (pre-hashed).
[out]signaturePointer to the signature struct with (r,s) values.
Result of the ECDSA signature generation.

Definition at line 30 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign_async_finalize ( otcrypto_word32_buf_t  signature)

Finalizes asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

[out]signaturePointer to the signature struct with (r,s) values.
Result of async ECDSA finalize operation.

Definition at line 644 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest 

Starts asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_sign for requirements on input values.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be signed (pre-hashed).
elliptic_curvePointer to the elliptic curve to be used.
Result of async ECDSA start operation.

Definition at line 506 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify ( const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest,
otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature,
hardened_bool_t verification_result 

Verifies an ECDSA/P-256 signature.

The message digest must be exactly 256 bits (32 bytes) long, but may use any hash mode. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the security strength of the hash function is at least equal to the security strength of the curve, but in some cases it may be truncated. See FIPS 186-5 for details.

The caller must check the verification_result parameter, NOT only the returned status code, to know if the signature passed verification. The status code, as for other operations, only indicates whether errors were encountered, and may return OK even when the signature is invalid.

public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be verified (pre-hashed).
signaturePointer to the signature to be verified.
[out]verification_resultWhether the signature passed verification.
Result of the ECDSA verification operation.

Definition at line 48 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify_async_finalize ( otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature,
hardened_bool_t verification_result 

Finalizes asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

[out]verification_resultWhether the signature passed verification.
Result of async ECDSA verify finalize operation.

Definition at line 719 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify_async_start ( const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest,
otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature 

Starts asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-256.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p256_verify for requirements on input values.

public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be verified (pre-hashed).
signaturePointer to the signature to be verified.
Result of async ECDSA verify start function.

Definition at line 678 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Generates a key pair for ECDSA with curve P-384.

The caller should allocate and partially populate the blinded key struct, including populating the key configuration and allocating space for the keyblob. For a hardware-backed key, use the private key handle returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key. Otherwise, the mode should indicate ECDSA with P-384 and the keyblob should be 112 bytes. The value in the checksum field of the blinded key struct will be populated by the key generation function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of the ECDSA key generation.

Definition at line 24 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen_async_finalize ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Finalizes asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

The caller should ensure that the private key configuration matches that passed to the _start function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
Result of asynchronous ECDSA keygen finalize operation.

Definition at line 484 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key)

Starts asynchronous key generation for ECDSA/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_keygen for requirements on input values.

private_keyDestination structure for private key, or key handle.
Result of asynchronous ECDSA keygen start operation.

Definition at line 214 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest,
otcrypto_word32_buf_t  signature 

Generates an ECDSA signature with curve P-384.

The message digest must be exactly 384 bits (48 bytes) long, but may use any hash mode. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the security strength of the hash function is at least equal to the security strength of the curve, but in some cases it may be truncated. See FIPS 186-5 for details.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be signed (pre-hashed).
[out]signaturePointer to the signature struct with (r,s) values.
Result of the ECDSA signature generation.

Definition at line 39 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign_async_finalize ( otcrypto_word32_buf_t  signature)

Finalizes asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

[out]signaturePointer to the signature struct with (r,s) values.
Result of async ECDSA finalize operation.

Definition at line 661 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest 

Starts asynchronous signature generation for ECDSA/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_sign for requirements on input values.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (d) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be signed (pre-hashed).
elliptic_curvePointer to the elliptic curve to be used.
Result of async ECDSA start operation.

Definition at line 555 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify ( const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest,
otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature,
hardened_bool_t verification_result 

Verifies an ECDSA/P-384 signature.

The message digest must be exactly 384 bits (48 bytes) long, but may use any hash mode. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the security strength of the hash function is at least equal to the security strength of the curve, but in some cases it may be truncated. See FIPS 186-5 for details.

The caller must check the verification_result parameter, NOT only the returned status code, to know if the signature passed verification. The status code, as for other operations, only indicates whether errors were encountered, and may return OK even when the signature is invalid.

public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be verified (pre-hashed).
signaturePointer to the signature to be verified.
[out]verification_resultWhether the signature passed verification.
Result of the ECDSA verification operation.

Definition at line 59 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify_async_finalize ( otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature,
hardened_bool_t verification_result 

Finalizes asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify for requirements on input values.

May block until the operation is complete.

[out]verification_resultWhether the signature passed verification.
Result of async ECDSA verify finalize operation.

Definition at line 772 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify_async_start ( const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
const otcrypto_hash_digest_t  message_digest,
otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature 

Starts asynchronous signature verification for ECDSA/P-384.

See otcrypto_ecdsa_p384_verify for requirements on input values.

public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key (Q) struct.
message_digestMessage digest to be verified (pre-hashed).
signaturePointer to the signature to be verified.
Result of async ECDSA verify start function.

Definition at line 731 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_keygen()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_keygen ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Generates a new Ed25519 key pair.

Computes the private exponent (d) and public key (Q) based on Curve25519.

No domain_parameter is needed and is automatically set for Ed25519.

The caller should allocate and partially populate the blinded key struct, including populating the key configuration and allocating space for the keyblob. The caller should indicate the length of the allocated keyblob; this function will return an error if the keyblob length does not match expectations. If the key is hardware-backed, the caller should pass a fully populated private key handle as returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key. For non-hardware-backed keys, the keyblob should be twice the length of the key. The value in the checksum field of the blinded key struct will be populated by the key generation function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key struct.
Result of the Ed25519 key generation.

Definition at line 91 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_keygen_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_keygen_async_finalize ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Finalizes the asynchronous key generation for Ed25519.

Returns kOtcryptoStatusValueOk and copies private key (d) and public key (Q), if the OTBN status is done, or kOtcryptoStatusValueAsyncIncomplete if the OTBN is busy or kOtcryptoStatusValueInternalError if there is an error.

The caller must ensure that config matches the key configuration initially passed to the _start complement of this function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key struct.
Result of asynchronous ed25519 keygen finalize operation.

Definition at line 1095 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_keygen_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_keygen_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key)

Starts the asynchronous key generation for Ed25519.

Initializes OTBN and begins generating an Ed25519 key pair. The caller should set the config field of private_key with their desired key configuration options. If the key is hardware-backed, the caller should pass a fully populated private key handle such as the kind returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key.

No domain_parameter is needed and is automatically set for X25519.

private_keyDestination structure for private key, or key handle.
Result of asynchronous ed25519 keygen start operation.

Definition at line 1089 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_sign()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_sign ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t  input_message,
otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t  sign_mode,
otcrypto_word32_buf_t  signature 

Generates an Ed25519 digital signature.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key struct.
input_messageInput message to be signed.
sign_modeParameter for EdDSA or Hash EdDSA sign mode.
[out]signaturePointer to the EdDSA signature with (r,s) values.
Result of the EdDSA signature generation.

Definition at line 97 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_sign_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_sign_async_finalize ( otcrypto_word32_buf_t  signature)

Finalizes the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature generation.

Returns kOtcryptoStatusValueOk and copies the signature if the OTBN status is done, or kOtcryptoStatusValueAsyncIncomplete if the OTBN is busy or kOtcryptoStatusValueInternalError if there is an error.

[out]signaturePointer to the EdDSA signature to get (s) value.
Result of async Ed25519 finalize operation.

Definition at line 1109 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_sign_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_sign_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t  input_message,
otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t  sign_mode,
otcrypto_word32_buf_t  signature 

Starts the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature generation.

Initializes OTBN and starts the OTBN routine to compute the digital signature on the input message. The domain_parameter field for Ed25519 is automatically set.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key struct.
input_messageInput message to be signed.
sign_modeParameter for EdDSA or Hash EdDSA sign mode.
[out]signaturePointer to the EdDSA signature to get (r) value.
Result of async Ed25519 start operation.

Definition at line 1101 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_verify()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_verify ( const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t  input_message,
otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t  sign_mode,
otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature,
hardened_bool_t verification_result 

Verifies an Ed25519 signature.

public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key struct.
input_messageInput message to be signed for verification.
sign_modeParameter for EdDSA or Hash EdDSA sign mode.
signaturePointer to the signature to be verified.
[out]verification_resultResult of signature verification (Pass/Fail).
Result of the EdDSA verification operation.

Definition at line 105 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_verify_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_verify_async_finalize ( hardened_bool_t verification_result)

Finalizes the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature verification.

Returns kOtcryptoStatusValueOk and populates the verification result with a PASS or FAIL, if the OTBN status is done, kOtcryptoStatusValueAsyncIncomplete if the OTBN is busy or kOtcryptoStatusValueInternalError if there is an error.

[out]verification_resultResult of signature verification (Pass/Fail).
Result of async Ed25519 verification finalize operation.

Definition at line 1124 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_ed25519_verify_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_ed25519_verify_async_start ( const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
otcrypto_const_byte_buf_t  input_message,
otcrypto_eddsa_sign_mode_t  sign_mode,
otcrypto_const_word32_buf_t  signature 

Starts the asynchronous Ed25519 digital signature verification.

Initializes OTBN and starts the OTBN routine to verify the signature. The domain_parameter for Ed25519 is set automatically.

public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key struct.
input_messageInput message to be signed for verification.
sign_modeParameter for EdDSA or Hash EdDSA sign mode.
signaturePointer to the signature to be verified.
Result of async Ed25519 verification start operation.

Definition at line 1115 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_x25519()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519 ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key,
otcrypto_blinded_key_t shared_secret 

Performs the X25519 Diffie Hellman shared secret generation.

private_keyPointer to blinded private key (u-coordinate).
public_keyPointer to the public scalar from the sender.
[out]shared_secretPointer to shared secret key (u-coordinate).
Result of the X25519 operation.

Definition at line 120 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_x25519_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_async_finalize ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t shared_secret)

Finalizes the asynchronous X25519 Diffie Hellman shared secret generation.

Returns kOtcryptoStatusValueOk and copies shared_secret if the OTBN status is done, or kOtcryptoStatusValueAsyncIncomplete if the OTBN is busy or kOtcryptoStatusValueInternalError if there is an error.

[out]shared_secretPointer to shared secret key (u-coordinate).
Result of async X25519 finalize operation.

Definition at line 1149 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_x25519_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
const otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Starts the asynchronous X25519 Diffie Hellman shared secret generation.

Initializes OTBN and starts the OTBN routine to perform Diffie Hellman shared secret generation based on Curve25519. The domain parameter is automatically set for X25519 API.

private_keyPointer to the blinded private key (u-coordinate).
public_keyPointer to the public scalar from the sender.
Result of the async X25519 start operation.

Definition at line 1142 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_x25519_keygen()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_keygen ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Generates a new key pair for X25519 key exchange.

Computes the private scalar (d) and public key (Q) based on Curve25519.

No domain_parameter is needed and is automatically set for X25519.

The caller should allocate and partially populate the blinded key struct, including populating the key configuration and allocating space for the keyblob. The caller should indicate the length of the allocated keyblob; this function will return an error if the keyblob length does not match expectations. If the key is hardware-backed, the caller should pass a fully populated private key handle as returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key. For non-hardware-backed keys, the keyblob should be twice the length of the key. The value in the checksum field of the blinded key struct will be populated by the key generation function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key struct.
Result of the X25519 key generation.

Definition at line 114 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_x25519_keygen_async_finalize()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_keygen_async_finalize ( otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key,
otcrypto_unblinded_key_t public_key 

Finalizes the asynchronous key generation for X25519.

Returns kOtcryptoStatusValueOk and copies private key (d) and public key (Q), if the OTBN status is done, or kOtcryptoStatusValueAsyncIncomplete if the OTBN is busy or kOtcryptoStatusValueInternalError if there is an error.

The caller must ensure that config matches the key configuration initially passed to the _start complement of this function.

[out]private_keyPointer to the blinded private key struct.
[out]public_keyPointer to the unblinded public key struct.
Result of asynchronous X25519 keygen finalize operation.

Definition at line 1136 of file ecc.c.

◆ otcrypto_x25519_keygen_async_start()

OT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT otcrypto_status_t otcrypto_x25519_keygen_async_start ( const otcrypto_blinded_key_t private_key)

Starts the asynchronous key generation for X25519.

Initializes OTBN and begins generating an X25519 key pair. The caller should set the config field of private_key with their desired key configuration options. If the key is hardware-backed, the caller should pass a fully populated private key handle such as the kind returned by otcrypto_hw_backed_key.

No domain_parameter is needed and is automatically set for X25519.

private_keyDestination structure for private key, or key handle.
Result of asynchronous X25519 keygen start operation.

Definition at line 1130 of file ecc.c.