Software APIs
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1 // Copyright lowRISC contributors (OpenTitan project).
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 // It has been generated with ./util/design/
10 /**
11  * @file
12  * @brief <a href="/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/doc/">OTP Controller</a> Device Interface
13  * Functions
14  */
16 #include <stdint.h>
24 // Header Extern Guard (so header can be used from C and C++)
25 #ifdef __cplusplus
26 extern "C" {
27 #endif // __cplusplus
29 /**
30  * A partition within OTP memory.
31  */
32 typedef enum dif_otp_ctrl_partition {
33  /**
34  * Vendor test partition.
35  *
36  * This is reserved for manufacturing smoke checks. The OTP wrapper
37  * control logic inside prim_otp is allowed to read/write to this
38  * region. ECC uncorrectable errors seen on the functional prim_otp
39  * interface will not lead to an alert for this partition.
40  * Instead, such errors will be reported as correctable ECC errors.
41  */
43  /**
44  * Software configuration partition.
45  *
46  * This is for device-specific calibration data. For example, clock,
47  * LDO, RNG.
48  */
50  /**
51  * Software configuration partition.
52  *
53  * This contains data that changes software behavior in the ROM, for
54  * example enabling defensive features in ROM or selecting failure
55  * modes if verification fails.
56  */
58  /**
59  * This OTP partition is used to store four P-256 keys and four Sphincs+ keys.
60  *
61  * The partition requires 464
62  * bytes of software visible storage. The partition is
63  * locked at manufacturing time to protect against
64  * malicious write attempts.
65  */
67  /**
68  * This OTP partition is used to capture the state of each key slot.
69  *
70  * Each key can be in one of the
71  * following states: BLANK, ENABLED, DISABLED. The
72  * encoded values are such that transitions between
73  * BLANK -> ENABLED -> DISABLED are possible without
74  * causing ECC errors (this is a mechanism similar to
75  * how we manage life cycle state transitions). The
76  * partition is left unlocked to allow STATE updates in
77  * the field. The ROM_EXT is required to lock access to
78  * the OTP Direct Access Interface to prevent DoS
79  * attacks from malicious code executing on Silicon
80  * Owner partitions. DAI write locking is available in
81  * EarlGrey.
82  */
84  /**
85  * Hardware configuration 0 partition.
86  *
87  * This contains
88  * - DEVICE_ID: Unique device identifier.
89  * - MANUF_STATE: Vector for capturing the manufacturing status.
90  */
92  /**
93  * Hardware configuration 1 partition.
94  *
95  * This contains
96  * - EN_SRAM_IFETCH: Enable / disable execute from SRAM CSR switch.
97  * - EN_CSRNG_SW_APP_READ: This input efuse is used to enable access to the
98  * NIST internal state per instance.
99  * - DIS_RV_DM_LATE_DEBUG: Setting this to true bypasses the late debug
100  * enablement of RV_DM in the DEV life cycle state.
101  */
103  /**
104  * Secret partition 0.
105  *
106  * This contains TEST lifecycle unlock tokens.
107  */
109  /**
110  * Secret partition 1.
111  *
112  * This contains SRAM and flash scrambling keys.
113  */
115  /**
116  * Secret partition 2.
117  *
118  * This contains RMA unlock token, creator root key, and creator seed.
119  */
121  /**
122  * Lifecycle partition.
123  *
124  * This contains lifecycle transition count and state. This partition
125  * cannot be locked since the life cycle state needs to advance to RMA
126  * in-field. Note that while this partition is not marked secret, it
127  * is not readable nor writeable via the DAI. Only the LC controller
128  * can access this partition, and even via the LC controller it is not
129  * possible to read the raw manufacturing life cycle state in encoded
130  * form, since that encoding is considered a netlist secret. The LC
131  * controller only exposes a decoded version of this state.
132  */
136 /**
137  * Runtime configuration for OTP.
138  *
139  * This struct describes runtime information for one-time configuration of the
140  * hardware.
141  */
142 typedef struct dif_otp_ctrl_config {
143  /**
144  * The timeout for an integrity or consistency check to succeed, in cycles.
145  *
146  * 100'000 is recommended as a minimum safe value.
147  */
148  uint32_t check_timeout;
149  /**
150  * A mask for the pseudo-random integrity check period.
151  *
152  * The value of this mask limits the period of the integrity check; when the
153  * pseudo-random period is computed, this mask is applied to limit it. For
154  * example, a value of 0x3'ffff would correspond to a maximum period of about
155  * 2.8s at 24MHz.
156  *
157  * A value of zero disables the check.
158  */
160  /**
161  * A mask for the pseudo-random consistency check period.
162  *
163  * The value of this mask limits the period of the consistency check; when the
164  * pseudo-random period is computed, this mask is applied to limit it. For
165  * example, a value of 0x3ff'ffff would correspond to a maximum period of
166  * about 716s at 24MHz.
167  *
168  * A value of zero disables the check.
169  */
173 /**
174  * A hardware-level status code.
175  */
177  // NOTE: This enum's API *requires* that all "error"-like codes (that is,
178  // those which have associated cause registers) be a prefix of the enum
179  // values.
180  //
181  // Note furthermore that these enum variants are intended as bit indices, so
182  // their values should not be randomized.
183  /**
184  * Indicates an error occurred in the `VendorTest` partition.
185  */
187  /**
188  * Indicates an error occurred in the `CreatorSwCfg` partition.
189  */
191  /**
192  * Indicates an error occurred in the `OwnerSwCfg` partition.
193  */
195  /**
196  * Indicates an error occurred in the `RotCreatorAuthCodesign` partition.
197  */
199  /**
200  * Indicates an error occurred in the `RotCreatorAuthState` partition.
201  */
203  /**
204  * Indicates an error occurred in the `HwCfg0` partition.
205  */
207  /**
208  * Indicates an error occurred in the `HwCfg1` partition.
209  */
211  /**
212  * Indicates an error occurred in the `Secret0` partition.
213  */
215  /**
216  * Indicates an error occurred in the `Secret1` partition.
217  */
219  /**
220  * Indicates an error occurred in the `Secret2` partition.
221  */
223  /**
224  * Indicates an error occurred in the `LifeCycle` partition.
225  */
227  /**
228  * Indicates an error occurred in the direct access interface.
229  */
231  /**
232  * Indicates an error occurred in the lifecycle interface.
233  */
235  /**
236  * This is not a status code; rather, it represents the last error code which
237  * has a corresponding "cause" register.
238  *
239  * See `dif_otp_ctrl_status_t` for information on how to use this.
240  */
242  /**
243  * Indicates that an integrity or consistency check has timed out.
244  *
245  * This error is unrecoverable.
246  */
248  /**
249  * Indicates that the LFSR that generates pseudo-random integrity and
250  * consistency checks is in a bad state.
251  *
252  * This error is unrecoverable.
253  */
255  /**
256  * Indicates that the scrambling hardware is in a bad state.
257  *
258  * This error is unrecoverable.
259  */
261  /**
262  * Indicates that the key derivation hardware is in a bad state.
263  *
264  * This error is unrecoverable.
265  */
267  /**
268  * Indicates a bus integrity error.
269  *
270  * This error will raise an alert.
271  */
273  /**
274  * Indicates that the direct access interface is idle.
275  */
277  /**
278  * Indicates that an integrity or consistency check is currently pending.
279  */
283 /**
284  * A hardware-level error code, associated with a particular error defined in
285  * `dif_otp_ctrl_status_t`.
286  */
287 typedef enum dif_otp_ctrl_error {
288  /**
289  * Indicates no error.
290  */
292  /**
293  * Indicates that an OTP macro command was invalid or did not
294  * complete successfully.
295  *
296  * This error indicates non-recoverable hardware malfunction.
297  */
299  /**
300  * Indicates a recoverable error during a read operation.
301  *
302  * A followup read should work as expected.
303  */
305  /**
306  * Indicates an unrecoverable error during a read operation.
307  *
308  * This error indicates non-recoverable hardware malfunction.
309  */
311  /**
312  * Indicates that the blank write check failed during a write operation.
313  */
315  /**
316  * Indicates a locked memory region was accessed.
317  */
319  /**
320  * Indicates a parity, integrity or consistency check failed in the buffer
321  * registers.
322  *
323  * This error indicates non-recoverable hardware malfunction.
324  */
326  /**
327  * Indicates that the FSM of the controller is in a bad state or that the
328  * controller's FSM has been moved into its terminal state due to escalation
329  * via the alert subsystem.
330  *
331  * This error indicates that the device has been glitched by an attacker.
332  */
336 /**
337  * The overall status of the OTP controller.
338  *
339  * See `dif_otp_ctrl_get_status()`.
340  */
341 typedef struct dif_otp_ctrl_status {
342  /**
343  * Currently active statuses, given as a bit vector. To check whether a
344  * particular status code was returned, write
345  *
346  * bool has_code = ( >> kMyStatusCode) & 1;
347  *
348  * Note that it is possible to quickly check that the controller is idle and
349  * error-free by writing
350  *
351  * bool is_ok = == (1 << kDifOtpStatusCodeDaiIdle);
352  */
353  uint32_t codes;
354  /**
355  * A list of root causes for each error status code.
356  *
357  * If the error status code `error` is present in `codes`, and
358  * `error <= kDifOtpCtrlStatusCodeHasCauseLast`, then `causes[error]`
359  * will contain its root cause.
360  */
364 /**
365  * Configures OTP with runtime information.
366  *
367  * This function should need to be called at most once for the lifetime of
368  * `otp`.
369  *
370  * @param otp An OTP handle.
371  * @param config Runtime configuration parameters.
372  * @return The result of the operation.
373  */
376  dif_otp_ctrl_config_t config);
378 /**
379  * Runs an integrity check on the OTP hardware.
380  *
381  * This function can be used to trigger an integrity check independent of the
382  * pseudo-random hardware-generated checks.
383  *
384  * @param otp An OTP handle.
385  * @return The result of the operation.
386  */
390 /**
391  * Runs a consistency check on the OTP hardware.
392  *
393  * This function can be used to trigger a consistency check independent of the
394  * pseudo-random hardware-generated checks.
395  *
396  * @param otp An OTP handle.
397  * @return The result of the operation.
398  */
402 /**
403  * Locks out access to the direct access interface registers.
404  *
405  * This function is idempotent: calling it while functionality is locked will
406  * have no effect and return `kDifOk`.
407  *
408  * @param otp An OTP handle.
409  * @return The result of the operation.
410  */
414 /**
415  * Checks whether access to the direct access interface is locked.
416  *
417  * Note that besides locking the DAI out until the next reset using the
418  * dif_otp_ctrl_lock_dai function, the DAI is also temporarily locked by the
419  * HW itself when it is busy processing a DAI command. In such a case, the
420  * kDifOtpCtrlStatusCodeDaiIdle status bit will be set to 0 as well.
421  *
422  * @param otp An OTP handle.
423  * @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
424  * @return The result of the operation.
425  */
428  bool *is_locked);
430 /**
431  * Locks out `dif_otp_ctrl_configure()` function.
432  *
433  * This function is idempotent: calling it while functionality is locked will
434  * have no effect and return `kDifOk`.
435  *
436  * @param otp An OTP handle.
437  * @return The result of the operation.
438  */
442 /**
443  * Checks whether `dif_otp_ctrl_configure()` function is locked-out.
444  *
445  * @param otp An OTP handle.
446  * @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
447  * @return The result of the operation.
448  */
451  bool *is_locked);
453 /**
454  * Locks out `dif_otp_ctrl_check_*()` functions.
455  *
456  * This function is idempotent: calling it while functionality is locked will
457  * have no effect and return `kDifOk`.
458  *
459  * @param otp An OTP handle.
460  * @return The result of the operation.
461  */
465 /**
466  * Checks whether the `dif_otp_ctrl_check_*()` functions are locked-out.
467  *
468  * @param otp An OTP handle.
469  * @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
470  * @return The result of the operation.
471  */
474  bool *is_locked);
476 /**
477  * Locks out reads to a SW partition.
478  *
479  * This function should only be called on SW partitions; doing otherwise will
480  * return an error.
481  *
482  * Note that this is distinct from the write-locking performed by calling
483  * `dif_otp_ctrl_dai_digest()`. In particular, the effects of this function will
484  * not persist past a system reset.
485  *
486  * This function is idempotent: calling it while functionality is locked will
487  * have no effect and return `kDifOk`.
488  *
489  * @param otp An OTP handle.
490  * @param partition The SW partition to lock.
491  * @return The result of the operation.
492  */
495  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition);
497 /**
498  * Checks whether reads to a SW partition are locked out.
499  *
500  * This function should only be called on SW partitions; doing otherwise will
501  * return an error.
502  *
503  * @param otp An OTP handle.
504  * @param partition the SW partition to check for locking.
505  * @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
506  * @return The result of the operation.
507  */
510  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
511  bool *is_locked);
513 /**
514  * Gets the current status of the OTP controller.
515  *
516  * @param otp An OTP handle.
517  * @param[out] status Out-param for the controller's status.
518  * @return The result of the operation.
519  */
524 /**
525  * Calculates a `relative_address` with respect to a `partition` start
526  * address.
527  *
528  * @param partition The partition to use to calculate the reference start
529  * address.
530  * @param abs_address Input address relative to the OTP memory start address.
531  * @param[out] relative_address The result relative address with respect to the
532  * `partition` start address.
533  * @return The result of the operation.
534  */
537  uint32_t abs_address,
538  uint32_t *relative_address);
540 /**
541  * Schedules a read on the Direct Access Interface.
542  *
543  * Reads are performed relative to a partition; `address` should be given
544  * relative to the start of `partition`. An error is returned for out-of-bounds
545  * access.
546  *
547  * Furthermore, `address` must be well-aligned: it must be four-byte aligned for
548  * normal partitions and eight-byte-aligned for secret partitions. An error is
549  * returned for unaligned access.
550  *
551  * @param otp An OTP handle.
552  * @param partition The partition to read from.
553  * @param address A partition-relative address to read from.
554  * @return The result of the operation.
555  */
558  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
559  uint32_t address);
561 /**
562  * Gets the result of a completed 32-bit read operation on the Direct Access
563  * Interface.
564  *
565  * Whether this function or its 64-bit variant should be called is dependent on
566  * the most recent partition read from.
567  *
568  * @param otp An OTP handle.
569  * @param[out] value Out-param for the read value.
570  * @return The result of the operation.
571  */
574  uint32_t *value);
576 /**
577  * Gets the result of a completed 64-bit read operation on the Direct Access
578  * Interface.
579  *
580  * Whether this function or its 32-bit variant should be called is dependent on
581  * the most recent partition read from.
582  *
583  * @param otp An OTP handle.
584  * @param[out] value Out-param for the read value.
585  * @return The result of the operation.
586  */
589  uint64_t *value);
591 /**
592  * Schedules a 32-bit write on the Direct Access Interface.
593  *
594  * Writes are performed relative to a partition; `address` should be given
595  * relative to the start of `partition`. An error is returned for out-of-bounds
596  * access.
597  *
598  * Furthermore, `address` must be four-byte-aligned, and `partition` must not be
599  * a secret partition. An error is returned if neither condition is met.
600  *
601  * Note that this function cannot be used to program the digest at the end of a
602  * `SW` partition; `dif_otp_ctrl_dai_digest()` must be used instead.
603  *
604  * @param otp An OTP handle.
605  * @param partition The partition to program.
606  * @param address A partition-relative address to program.
607  * @param value The value to program into the OTP.
608  * @return The result of the operation.
609  */
612  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
613  uint32_t address, uint32_t value);
615 /**
616  * Schedules a 64-bit write on the Direct Access Interface.
617  *
618  * Writes are performed relative to a partition; `address` should be given
619  * relative to the start of `partition`. An error is returned for out-of-bounds
620  * access.
621  *
622  * Furthermore, `address` must be eight-byte-aligned, and `partition` must be
623  * a secret partition. An error is returned if neither condition is met.
624  *
625  * @param otp An OTP handle.
626  * @param partition The partition to program.
627  * @param address A partition-relative address to program.
628  * @param value The value to program into the OTP.
629  * @return The result of the operation.
630  */
633  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
634  uint32_t address, uint64_t value);
636 /**
637  * Schedules a hardware digest operation on the Direct Access Interface.
638  *
639  * **This operation will also lock writes for the given partition.**
640  *
641  * If `partition` is a SW partition, `digest` must be non-zero; if it is a
642  * partition with a hardware-managed digest, `digest` *must* be zero (since the
643  * digest will be generated by the hardware). An error is returned if either
644  * precondition is not met.
645  *
646  * This function does not work with the lifecycle state partition, and will
647  * return an error in that case.
648  *
649  * @param otp An OTP handle.
650  * @param partition The partition to digest and lock.
651  * @param digest The digest to program (for SW partitions).
652  * @return The result of the operation.
653  */
656  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
657  uint64_t digest);
659 /**
660  * Checks if the digest value for the given partition has been computed. Once a
661  * digest has been computed for a partition, the partition is write-locked
662  * (additionally, read-locked if the partition is secret).
663  *
664  * The lifecycle partition does not have a digest, and checking if this region
665  * has a computed digest will return an error.
666  *
667  * @param otp An OTP handle.
668  * @param partition The partition to check the digest of.
669  * @param[out] is_computed Indicates if the digest has been computed.
670  * @return The result of the operation.
671  */
674  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
675  bool *is_computed);
677 /**
678  * Gets the buffered digest value for the given partition.
679  *
680  * Note that this value is only updated when the device is reset; if the digest
681  * has not been computed yet, or has been computed but not since device reset,
682  * this function will return an error.
683  *
684  * The lifecycle partition does not have a digest and will result in an error
685  * being returned.
686  *
687  * @param otp An OTP handle.
688  * @param partition The partition to get a digest for.
689  * @param[out] digest Out-param for the digest.
690  * @return The result of the operation.
691  */
694  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
695  uint64_t *digest);
697 /**
698  * Performs a memory-mapped read of the given partition, if it supports them.
699  *
700  * In particular, this function will read `len` words, starting at `address`,
701  * relative to the start of `partition`.
702  *
703  * The same caveats for `dif_otp_ctrl_dai_read_start()` apply to `address`; in
704  * addition, `address + len` must also be in-range and must not overflow.
705  *
706  * This function will block until the read completes, unlike Direct Access
707  * Interface functions.
708  *
709  * @param otp An OTP handle.
710  * @param partition The partition to read from.
711  * @param address A partition-relative address to read from.
712  * @param[out] buf A buffer of words to write read values to.
713  * @param len The number of words to read.
714  * @return The result of the operation.
715  */
718  dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
719  uint32_t address, uint32_t *buf,
720  size_t len);
722 #ifdef __cplusplus
723 } // extern "C"
724 #endif // __cplusplus