Top Generation Tool
The top generation tool
is used to build top specific modules for a specific OpenTitan design - for example top_earlgrey
Currently, as part of this generation process, the following top specific modules are created
- Overall top module
- Crossbars
- A number of templated peripherals, which are expanded according to top specific configurations This document explains the overall generation process, the required inputs, the output locations, as well as how the tool should be invoked.
Generation Process
The details of a particular OpenTitan variant is described in a top specific Hjson file.
For example see top_earlgrey
The top specific Hjson describes how the design looks and how it should connect, for example:
- Overall fabric data width
- Clock sources
- Reset sources
- Address spaces
- List of instantiated peripherals
- Module type of each peripheral (it is possible to have multiple instantiations of a particular module)
- Clock / reset connectivity of each peripheral
- Base address of each peripheral for each connected address space
- System memories
- Fabric construction
- Clock / reset connectivity of each fabric component
- Interrupt sources
- Pinmux construction
- List of dedicated or muxed pins
The top level Hjson however, does not contain details such as:
- Specific clock / reset port names for each peripheral
- Number of interrupts in each peripheral
- Number of input or output pins in each peripheral
- Details of crossbar connection and which host can reach which device
There are two kinds of peripherals:
- Generic peripherals, which are the same for any top configuration
- Ipgen peripherals, which have a set of template files, and are expanded based on top-specific parameters
The topgen tool thus hierarchically gathers and generates the missing information from additional Hjson files that describe the detail of each component. These are primarily located in the following places:
for generic peripheralshw/ip_templates/*/data/*.hjson.tpl
for ipgen peripheralshw/top_*/data/xbar_*.hjson
for crossbars which are also generated from templates
In the process of gathering, each individual Hjson file is validated for input correctness and then merged into a final generated Hjson output that represents the complete information that makes up each OpenTitan design.
For example, see top_earlgrey
Note specifically the generated interrupt list, the pinmux connections, and the port-to-net mapping of clocks and resets, all of which were not present in the original input.
The purpose for this two step process, instead of describing the design completely inside one Hjson file, is to decouple the top and components development while allowing re-use of components by multiple tops.
This process also clearly separates what information needs to be known by top vs. what needs to be known by a specific component.
For example, a component does not need to know how many clock sources a top has or how many muxed pins it contains.
Likewise, the top does not need to know the details of why an interrupt is generated, just how many there are.
The user supplied top_*.hjson
thus acts like a integration specification while the remaining details are filled in through lower level inputs.
In addition to design collateral, the tool also generates all the top level RAL (Register Abstraction Layer) models necessary for verification.
Validation, Merge and Output
As stated previously, each of the gathered component Hjson files is validated for correctness.
For the peripherals, this is done by invoking util/reggen/
, while the xbar components are validated through util/tlgen/
The peripheral and xbar components are then validated through util/topgen/
This performs extensive checks on the top configuration, for example interrupt, pinmux, clock and reset consistency.
Once all validation is passed, the final Hjson is created by util/topgen/
This Hjson is then used to generate the final top RTL.
As part of this process, topgen invokes other tools.
Please see the documentation for ipgen
, reggen
, and tlgen
for more tool specific details.
Generation Flow
In order to generate the complete set of artifacts for a given top the first step is to generate the complete top configuration file (named top_*/data/autogen/top_*.gen.hjson
as mentioned above).
Most other artifacts, like the top-level module(s), ipgen peripherals, and top-level SV and software collateral require this file for generation.
These artifacts can be generated independently and concurrently from the complete top configuration.
Generating the Complete Top Configuration
The generation of ipgen peripherals is delicate since they depend on each other. All these dependencies are captured in the top configuration as it is completed. As ipgen peripherals are expanded they provide information that will be used for expanding other ipgen peripherals. This means the order in which ipgen peripherals are expanded needs to be carefully chosen in order to avoid multiple generation passes. The top configuration is completed progressively as individual peripherals are processed. All this is done in-memory, and the individual peripherals are added in the following order:
- The generic peripherals
- The ipgen peripherals, topologically sorted based on their inter-dependencies
- The crossbars
It is important to progressively complete the top config with the most up-to-date data specific to each ipgen peripheral before expanding it. The completion is done using functions that are called in merge_top, except they get an extra argument to allow incomplete configuration since not all ipgen peripherals will have been expanded. Once all ipgen peripherals are expanded one last merge is performed, this time not allowing incomplete configurations. To make sure there are no mistakes in the order of ipgen peripherals the expansion can make multiple generation passes, stopping when the complete top configuration is stable.
Generating other Artifacts
There is a large number of artifacts that are generated from the complete top config using topgen, including:
- The templates of ipgen peripherals are expanded into directories specific to each top, for example
. - The crossbars are also expanded from templates into top-specific directories, for example
. - The C register declarations for top-level and ipgen peripherals are generated by bazel rules.
The most generic use of topgen is to let it generate everything.
This can be done through direct invocation, or the ${REPO_TOP}/hw
The example below shows the latter:
$ cd ${REPO_TOP}
$ make -C hw top
It is possible to restrict what the tool should generate.
$ cd ${REPO_TOP}
$ ./util/ -h
usage: topgen [-h] --topcfg TOPCFG [--outdir OUTDIR] [--verbose] [--no-top]
[--no-xbar] [--no-plic] [--no-gen-hjson] [--top-only] [--xbar-only]
[--plic-only] [--hjson-only] [--top_ral]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--topcfg TOPCFG, -t TOPCFG
`top_{name}.hjson` file.
--outdir OUTDIR, -o OUTDIR
Target TOP directory. Module is created under rtl/. (default:
--verbose, -v Verbose
--no-top If defined, topgen doesn't generate top_{name} RTLs.
--no-xbar If defined, topgen doesn't generate crossbar RTLs.
--no-plic If defined, topgen doesn't generate the interrup controller RTLs.
--no-gen-hjson If defined, the tool assumes topcfg as a generated hjson. So it
bypasses the validation step and doesn't read ip and xbar
--top-only If defined, the tool generates top RTL only
--xbar-only If defined, the tool generates crossbar RTLs only
--plic-only If defined, the tool generates RV_PLIC RTL and Hjson only
--hjson-only If defined, the tool generates complete Hjson only
--top_ral, -r If set, the tool generates top level RAL model for DV