

Stage V2 Testpoints


No Tests Implemented

Verify that spi_device constants in spi_device.h are up to date.

Certain spi_device hardware constants are currently hard-coded in spi_device.h since they are not auto-generated yet. See #11740 for details.

  • Verify that the following constants defined in spi_device.h are up to date:
    • kSpiDeviceSfdpAreaNumBytes
    • kSpiDeviceSfdpAreaOffset
    • kSpiDevicePayloadAreaOffset
    • kSpiDevicePayloadAreaNumBytes
    • kSpiDevicePayloadAreaNumWords
    • kSpiDeviceWelBit


Test: rom_e2e_c_init

Verify that the mask for the cpuctrl CSR in rom_init() is up to date.

See Ibex documentation for details.

  • Verify that the first six bits of the CPUCTRL CSR match what rom_init() and CREATOR_SW_CFG_CPUCTRL OTP item expect:
    • Bit 8: ic_scr_key_valid
    • Bit 7: double_fault_seen
    • Bit 6: sync_exec_seen
    • Bits 5:3: dummy_instr_mask
    • Bit 2: dummy_instr_en
    • Bit 1: data_ind_timing
    • Bit 0: icache_enable


No Tests Implemented

Verify that the registers accessed by sec_mmio functions are not modifiable by hardware.

See https://github.com/lowRISC/opentitan/issues/18634 for additional context.

The following utility may be helpful in auditing the code:

bazel run //util/py/scripts:audit_sec_mmio_calls – –log-level info


No Tests Implemented

Verify stack utilization.

Ensure that the worst case utilization paths are below the space allocated for the stack.


No Tests Implemented

Ensure the alert handler ping mechanism is not enabled in the ROM.

The alert handler ping mechanism has not been qualified to work with the ROM. The earliest stage in which it can be used is the ROM_EXT.


No Tests Implemented

Verify that there are no blocking issues on GitHub or tasks in the tracker.


No Tests Implemented

Verify that all ROM e2e tests pass on the FPGA_CW310 device.


No Tests Implemented

Verify that all ROM e2e tests pass on the SIM_DV device.


No Tests Implemented

Verify that all top-level SIM_DV tests that use the production ROM pass.


No Tests Implemented

Verify that the hash of the unscrambled ROM binary matches the expected value.

Run the ROM self hash test with: bazel test //sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/e2e:rom_e2e_self_hash_test_fpga_cw310_rom_with_real_keys --test_output=streamed


No Tests Implemented

Confirm that the digest of ROM will be verified out-of-band with multiple parties before tapeout.