Programmer’s Guide


Initialization of the GPIO module includes the setting up of the interrupt configuration for each GPIO input, as well as the configuration of the required noise filtering. These do not provide masked access since they are not expected to be done frequently.

// enable inputs 0 and 1 for rising edge detection with filtering,
// inputs 2 and 3 for falling edge detection with filtering,
// input 4 for both rising edge detection (no filtering)
// and inputs 6 and 7 for active low interrupt detection
*GPIO_INTR_ENABLE =          0b11011111;
*GPIO_INTR_CTRL_EN_RISING =  0b00010011;
*GPIO_INTR_CTRL_EN_LVLLOW  = 0b11000000;

Common Examples

This section below shows the interaction between the direct access and mask access for data output and data enable.

// assume all GPIO are connected to chip pads.
// assume a weak pullup on all pads, returning 1 if undriven.
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0xffffffff

*DIRECT_OUT = 0x11223344;
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OUT);       // 0x11223344

*DIRECT_OE  = 0x00ff00ff;
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OE);        // 0x00ff00ff

// weak pullup still applies to undriven signals
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0xff22ff44

// read of direct_out still returns DATA_OUT contents
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OUT);       // 0x11223344

// try masked accesses to DATA_OUT
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_MASKED_OUT_LOWER); // 0x00003546
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OUT);       // 0x11223546

printf("0x%x", *GPIO_MASKED_OUT_UPPER); // 0x00001728
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OUT);       // 0x17283546

// OE still applies
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0xff28ff46

// manipulate OE
*GPIO_DIRECT_OE = 0xff00ff00;
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OE);        // 0xff00ff00
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0x17ff35ff

*GPIO_MASKED_OE_LOWER = 0x0f0f0f0f;
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_MASKED_OE_LOWER);  // 0x00000f0f
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OE);        // 0xff000f0f
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0x17fff5f6

*GPIO_MASKED_OE_UPPER = 0x0f0f0f0f;
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_MASKED_OE_UPPER);  // 0x00000f0f
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DIRECT_OE);        // 0x0f0f0f0f
printf("0x%x", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0xf7f8f5f6

Interrupt Handling

This section below gives an example of how interrupt clearing works, assuming some events have occurred as shown in comments.

*INTR_ENABLE = 0x000000ff;              // interrupts enabled GPIO[7:0] inputs
printf("0b%x", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // assume 0b00000000
printf("0b%x", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b00000000

*INTR_CTRL_EN_RISING  = 0b00010001;     // rising detect on GPIO[0], GPIO[4]
*INTR_CTRL_EN_FALLING = 0b00010010;     // falling detect on GPIO[1], GPIO[4]
*INTR_CTRL_EN_LVLLOW  = 0b00001100;     // falling detect on GPIO[2], GPIO[3]
*INTR_CTRL_EN_LVLHIGH = 0b11000000;     // falling detect on GPIO[6], GPIO[7]

// already detected intr[3,2] (level low)
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b00001100

// try and clear [3:2], fails since still active low
*GPIO_INTR_STATE = 0b00001100;
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b00001100

// EVENT: all bits [7:0] rising, triggers [7,6,4,0], [3,2] still latched
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0b11111111
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b11011101

// try and clear all bits, [7,6] still detecting level high
*GPIO_INTR_STATE = 0b11111111;
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b11000000

// EVENT: all bits [7:0] falling, triggers [4,3,2,1], [7,6] still latched
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_DATA_IN);          // 0b00000000
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b11011110

// try and clear all bits, [3,2] still detecting level low
*GPIO_INTR_STATE = 0b11111111;
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b00001100

// write test register for all 8 events, trigger regardless of external events
*GPIO_INTR_TEST = 0b11111111;
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b11111111

// try and clear all bits, [3,2] still detecting level low
*GPIO_INTR_STATE = 0b11111111;
printf("0b%b", *GPIO_INTR_STATE);       // 0b00001100

Input Period Counters

Each of the 8 input period counters can be configured, enabled and disabled, and read out independently. The programming flow is as follows:

  1. Configure the counter using the INP_PRD_CNT_CTRL bits except enable.
  2. Enable the counter by setting the enable bit to 1.
  3. Read the measured period from INP_PRD_CNT_VAL. If you read 0, no complete period has happened yet. If you read a non-zero value, that’s the number of clock cycles (prescaled if configured) from one relevant edge of the input to the next. After your read, the INP_PRD_CNT_VAL register will be cleared to zero, so you can read it again and determine based on the returned value whether a new complete period has been measured or not.
  4. If continuous mode is not enabled, the counter will disable itself after one complete input period. Otherwise, disable it as needed by setting the enable bit of INP_PRD_CNT_CTRL to 0.

Device Interface Functions (DIFs)