hexdump.rsuse anyhow::Result;
use regex::RegexBuilder;
use std::io::Write;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum HexdumpError {
#[error("odd number of input characters")]
#[error("unrecognized hexdump format")]
pub fn hexdump(mut writer: impl Write, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
for (i, chunk) in buf.chunks(16).enumerate() {
let mut ascii = [b'.'; 16];
write!(writer, "{:08x}:", i * 16)?;
for (j, byte) in chunk.iter().copied().enumerate() {
write!(writer, " {:02x}", byte)?;
if byte == b' ' || byte.is_ascii_graphic() {
ascii[j] = byte;
let j = chunk.len();
for _ in 0..(16 - j) {
write!(writer, " ")?;
writeln!(writer, " {}", std::str::from_utf8(&ascii[0..j]).unwrap())?;
pub fn hexdump_string(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<String> {
let mut s = Vec::new();
hexdump(&mut s, buf)?;
fn unhex(byte: u8) -> Option<u8> {
match byte {
b'0'..=b'9' => Some(byte - b'0'),
b'A'..=b'F' => Some(byte - b'A' + 10),
b'a'..=b'f' => Some(byte - b'a' + 10),
_ => None,
fn from_hex(text: &str, vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
let mut it = text.bytes().filter_map(unhex);
while let Some(a) = {
if let Some(b) = {
vec.push(a << 4 | b);
} else {
return Err(HexdumpError::BadLength.into());
pub fn hexdump_parse(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let xxd = RegexBuilder::new(r"^[[:xdigit:]]{8}:\s+((?:[[:xdigit:]]{2,}\s)+)\s+.{1,16}$")
let hexdump =
let hexstr = RegexBuilder::new(r"(?:0[xX])?((?:[[:xdigit:]]{2}\s*)+)")
let mut res = Vec::new();
let captures = if xxd.is_match(text) {
} else if hexdump.is_match(text) {
} else if hexstr.is_match(text) {
} else {
return Err(HexdumpError::UnrecognizedFormat.into());
for c in captures {
from_hex(c.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), &mut res)?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use anyhow::Result;
const TEST_STR: &str = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog!";
const HEXDUMP_C: &str = "\
00000000 54 68 65 20 71 75 69 63 6b 20 62 72 6f 77 6e 20 |The quick brown |\n\
00000010 66 6f 78 20 6a 75 6d 70 65 64 20 6f 76 65 72 20 |fox jumped over |\n\
00000020 74 68 65 20 6c 61 7a 79 20 64 6f 67 21 |the lazy dog!|\n";
const XXD_G1: &str = "\
00000000: 54 68 65 20 71 75 69 63 6b 20 62 72 6f 77 6e 20 The quick brown \n\
00000010: 66 6f 78 20 6a 75 6d 70 65 64 20 6f 76 65 72 20 fox jumped over \n\
00000020: 74 68 65 20 6c 61 7a 79 20 64 6f 67 21 the lazy dog!\n";
const XXD_G2: &str = "\
00000000: 5468 6520 7175 6963 6b20 6272 6f77 6e20 The quick brown \n\
00000010: 666f 7820 6a75 6d70 6564 206f 7665 7220 fox jumped over \n\
00000020: 7468 6520 6c61 7a79 2064 6f67 21 the lazy dog!\n";
const XXD_G4: &str = "\
00000000: 54686520 71756963 6b206272 6f776e20 The quick brown \n\
00000010: 666f7820 6a756d70 6564206f 76657220 fox jumped over \n\
00000020: 74686520 6c617a79 20646f67 21 the lazy dog!\n";
const XXD_G8: &str = "\
00000000: 5468652071756963 6b2062726f776e20 The quick brown \n\
00000010: 666f78206a756d70 6564206f76657220 fox jumped over \n\
00000020: 746865206c617a79 20646f6721 the lazy dog!\n";
const XXD: [&str; 4] = [XXD_G1, XXD_G2, XXD_G4, XXD_G8];
fn test_hexdump() -> Result<()> {
let buf = TEST_STR;
let res = hexdump_string(buf.as_bytes())?;
assert_eq!(res, XXD_G1);
fn test_from_hexstr() -> Result<()> {
let buf = "5468652071756963\n6b2062726f776e20";
let res = hexdump_parse(buf)?;
let s = std::str::from_utf8(&res)?;
assert_eq!(s, "The quick brown ");
fn test_from_hexdump() -> Result<()> {
let res = hexdump_parse(HEXDUMP_C)?;
let s = std::str::from_utf8(&res)?;
assert_eq!(s, TEST_STR);
fn test_from_xxd() -> Result<()> {
for xxd in &XXD {
let res = hexdump_parse(xxd)?;
let s = std::str::from_utf8(&res)?;
assert_eq!(s, TEST_STR);