Software APIs
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright lowRISC contributors (OpenTitan project).
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 #include <stdbool.h>
9 #include <stdint.h>
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C" {
15 #endif // __cplusplus
17 /**
18  * @file
19  * @brief This header contains declarations of device-specific information.
20  *
21  * This header contains "device-specific" declarations, i.e., information that
22  * all devices are known to provide, but which is specific to the particular
23  * choice of platform, which can range from a software simulation, like
24  * Verilator or a DV testbench, to real harware, like an FPGA or ASIC.
25  *
26  * Definitions for these symbols can be found in other files in this directory,
27  * which should be linked in depending on which platform an executable is
28  * intended for.
29  */
31 /**
32  * A `device_type_t` represents a particular device type for which
33  * device-specific symbols are available.
34  */
35 typedef enum device_type {
36  /**
37  * Represents "DV", i.e. running the test in a DV simulation testbench.
38  *
39  * DISCLAIMER: it is important this value remains assigned to 0, as it is
40  * implicitly checked in the `test_rom_start.S` assembly code to determine
41  * whether or not to initialize SRAM.
42  */
44  /**
45  * Represents the "Verilator" device, i.e., a synthesis of the OpenTitan
46  * design by Verilator into C++.
47  */
49  /**
50  * Represents the "ChipWhisperer CW310 FPGA" device, i.e., the particular
51  * FPGA board blessed for OpenTitan development, containing a Xilinx FPGA.
52  */
54  /**
55  * Represents the "ChipWhisperer CW305 FPGA" device, i.e., the smaller FPGA
56  * development board with SCA capability, containing a Xilinx FPGA.
57  */
59  /**
60  * Represents the "ChipWhisperer CW340 FPGA" device, i.e., the particular
61  * FPGA board blessed for OpenTitan development, containing a Xilinx FPGA.
62  */
64  /**
65  * Represents the "Silicon" device, i.e., an instantiation of OpenTitan in
66  * Silicon.
67  */
71 /**
72  * Indicates the device that this program has been linked for.
73  *
74  * This can be used, for example, for conditioning an operation on the precise
75  * device type.
76  */
77 extern const device_type_t kDeviceType;
79 /**
80  * The CPU clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
81  * This is the operating clock for the main processing host.
82  */
83 extern const uint64_t kClockFreqCpuHz;
85 /**
86  * The peripheral clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
87  * This is the operating clock used by timers, uarts,
88  * other peripheral interfaces.
89  */
90 extern const uint64_t kClockFreqPeripheralHz;
92 /**
93  * The high-speed peripheral clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
94  * This is the operating clock used by the spi host
95  */
96 extern const uint64_t kClockFreqHiSpeedPeripheralHz;
98 /**
99  * The USB clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
100  * This is the operating clock used by the USB phy interface and USB's software
101  * interface.
102  */
103 extern const uint64_t kClockFreqUsbHz;
105 /**
106  * The always on clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
107  * This is the operating clock used by the always on timer,
108  * power manager and other peripherals that continue to
109  * operate after the device is in sleep state.
110  */
111 extern const uint64_t kClockFreqAonHz;
113 /**
114  * The baudrate of the UART peripheral (if such a thing is present).
115  */
116 extern const uint64_t kUartBaudrate;
118 /**
119  * A helper macro to calculate NCO values.
120  * NOTE: the left shift value is dependent on the UART hardware.
121  * The NCO width is 16 bits and the NCO calculates a 16x oversampling clock.
122  * If uart baud rate is 1.5Mbps and IO is 24Mhz, NCO is 0x10000, which is over
123  * the NCO width, use NCO = 0xffff for this case since the error is tolerable.
124  * Refer to #4263
125  */
126 #define CALCULATE_UART_NCO_(baudrate, peripheral_clock) \
127  (baudrate == 1500000 && peripheral_clock == 24000000) \
128  ? 0xffff \
129  : (uint32_t)(((uint64_t)(baudrate) << (16 + 4)) / (peripheral_clock))
131 #define CALCULATE_UART_NCO(baudrate, peripheral_clock) \
132  CALCULATE_UART_NCO_(baudrate, peripheral_clock) < 0x10000 \
133  ? CALCULATE_UART_NCO_(baudrate, peripheral_clock) \
134  : 0;
136 /**
137  * The pre-calculated UART NCO value based on the Baudrate and Peripheral clock.
138  */
139 extern const uint32_t kUartNCOValue;
141 /**
142  * Additional pre-calculated UART NCO values. If the pre-calculated value is
143  * zero, then the corresponding baudrate is not supported.
144  */
145 extern const uint32_t kUartBaud115K;
146 extern const uint32_t kUartBaud230K;
147 extern const uint32_t kUartBaud460K;
148 extern const uint32_t kUartBaud921K;
149 extern const uint32_t kUartBaud1M33;
150 extern const uint32_t kUartBaud1M50;
152 /**
153  * Helper macro to calculate the time it takes to transmit the entire UART TX
154  * FIFO in CPU cycles.
155  *
156  * This macro assumes 10 bits per byte (no parity bits) and a 128 byte deep TX
157  * FIFO.
158  */
159 #define CALCULATE_UART_TX_FIFO_CPU_CYCLES(baud_rate_, cpu_freq_, fifo_depth_) \
160  ((cpu_freq_)*10 * (fifo_depth_) / (baud_rate_))
162 /**
163  * The time it takes to transmit the entire UART TX fifo in CPU cycles.
164  */
165 extern const uint32_t kUartTxFifoCpuCycles;
167 /**
168  * Helper macro to calculate the maximum duration of the AST initialization
169  * check poll in CPU cycles.
170  *
171  * This macro assumes that the desired duration is 100us.
172  */
173 #define CALCULATE_AST_CHECK_POLL_CPU_CYCLES(cpu_freq_) \
174  ((cpu_freq_)*100 / 1000000)
176 /**
177  * Maximum duration of the AST initialization check poll in CPU cycles. This
178  * number depends on `kClockFreqCpuHz` and the resulting duration must be 100us.
179  */
180 extern const uint32_t kAstCheckPollCpuCycles;
182 /**
183  * An address to write to report test status.
184  *
185  * If this is zero, there is no address to write to report test status.
186  *
187  * Depending on the simulation environment and the value written to this
188  * address, the simulation may stop.
189  *
190  * @see #test_status_set
191  */
192 extern const uintptr_t kDeviceTestStatusAddress;
194 /**
195  * An address to write use for UART logging bypass
196  *
197  * If this is zero, there is no address to write to bypass UART logging.
198  *
199  * @see #LOG
200  */
201 extern const uintptr_t kDeviceLogBypassUartAddress;
203 /**
204  * A platform-specific function to convert microseconds to cpu cycles.
205  *
206  * This is primarily used for spin waits that use the cpu cycle counters.
207  * For platforms with clock periods slower than 1 us this will round up.
208  */
210 uint64_t to_cpu_cycles(uint64_t usec);
212 /**
213  * Prints the FPGA version.
214  *
215  * This function is a NOP unless we are building for an FPGA.
216  */
217 void device_fpga_version_print(void);
219 #ifdef __cplusplus
220 } // extern "C"
221 #endif // __cplusplus